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Dengue Japanese Vaccine

Dengue Vaccine Controversy: Japanese Vaccine Linked to Severe Complications

What is Dengue?

Dengue is a mosquito-borne virus that causes a range of symptoms from mild fever to severe and potentially fatal complications.

Dengue Vaccine History


In 2016, the Philippines introduced the Dengvaxia vaccine, manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur, as a mass vaccination program for children.

Controversial Findings

However, a 2017 study revealed that the vaccine increased the risk of severe dengue in previously unexposed children.

Causes and Concerns

  • Dengvaxia's design targets four serotypes of dengue virus.
  • In unexposed children, the vaccine may induce an immune response that enhances the severity of subsequent dengue infections.
  • Sanofi Pasteur has since withdrawn Dengvaxia from the market and is facing legal challenges.

Impact on Public Health

Suspension of Vaccination Programs

The controversy has led to the suspension of Dengvaxia vaccination programs in several countries.

Public Mistrust

The incident has damaged public trust in vaccine programs and raised concerns about the safety of other vaccines.

Ongoing Investigations

Independent investigations are ongoing to determine the full extent of the risks associated with Dengvaxia.

Regulatory Changes

The controversy has prompted regulators worldwide to reassess their vaccine approval processes.


The Dengvaxia controversy highlights the complexities of vaccine development and the importance of rigorous safety monitoring. Ongoing research and regulatory oversight are crucial to ensure the safety and effectiveness of future dengue vaccines.
