Uebersicht Der Hamburger Polizeikommissariate


WEB Polizei - Bundepolizeiinspektion Hamburg - Wache HH-Hauptbahnhof

Übersicht der Hamburger Polizeikommissariate

Auf dieser Website finden Sie eine Übersicht der Hamburger Polizeikommissariate mit den jeweiligen Anschriften und Erreichbarkeiten. Die Polizeikommissariate sind für die Bearbeitung von Strafanzeigen und Ermittlungen im jeweiligen Stadtteil zuständig.

Hamburger Polizeireviere

Neben den Polizeikommissariaten gibt es in Hamburg auch zahlreiche Polizeireviere. Die Polizeireviere sind für die Überwachung der öffentlichen Sicherheit und Ordnung im jeweiligen Stadtteil zuständig. Auf dieser Website finden Sie eine Übersicht der Hamburger Polizeireviere mit Karten und telefonischen Erreichbarkeiten der jeweiligen Dienststellen.

Wenn Sie eine Straftat anzeigen möchten oder Fragen zur öffentlichen Sicherheit haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an das zuständige Polizeikommissariat oder Polizeirevier.


Polizeirevier Hamburg Hauptbahnhof


WEB Polizei - Bundepolizeiinspektion Hamburg - Wache HH-Hauptbahnhof

Übersicht der Hamburger Polizeikommissariate

Auf dieser Website finden Sie eine Übersicht der Hamburger Polizeikommissariate mit den jeweiligen Anschriften und Erreichbarkeiten. Die Polizeikommissariate sind für die Bearbeitung von Strafanzeigen und Ermittlungen im jeweiligen Stadtteil zuständig.

Hamburger Polizeireviere

Neben den Polizeikommissariaten gibt es in Hamburg auch zahlreiche Polizeireviere. Die Polizeireviere sind für die Überwachung der öffentlichen Sicherheit und Ordnung im jeweiligen Stadtteil zuständig. Auf dieser Website finden Sie eine Übersicht der Hamburger Polizeireviere mit Karten und telefonischen Erreichbarkeiten der jeweiligen Dienststellen.

Wenn Sie eine Straftat anzeigen möchten oder Fragen zur öffentlichen Sicherheit haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an das zuständige Polizeikommissariat oder Polizeirevier.


Hamburgs Central Police Station The Davidwache

Hamburg's Central Police Station: The Davidwache

A Historic Landmark on the Reeperbahn

The Davidwache, also known as Police Station 15, is one of Hamburg's most iconic landmarks and a vibrant symbol of the city's vibrant nightlife. Located on the bustling Reeperbahn, the Davidwache has been a hub of police activity for over a century.

History and Architecture

The Davidwache was built in 1848 and named after the nearby St. David's Church. The neo-Gothic building is characterized by its crenellated turrets, pointed arches, and intricate stonework. The station has undergone several renovations over the years, but its distinctive architectural features have remained intact.

Role in Law Enforcement

The Davidwache is responsible for patrolling the Reeperbahn, one of Hamburg's most notorious entertainment districts. The station's officers handle a wide range of cases, from petty theft to serious crimes. The Davidwache has also been instrumental in combating organized crime and drug trafficking in the area.

Cultural Significance

Beyond its law enforcement role, the Davidwache has become a cultural icon. Its distinctive appearance and location on the Reeperbahn have made it a popular subject for photography, art, and literature. The station has also been featured in numerous films and television shows.

Visiting the Davidwache

The Davidwache is open to the public and offers guided tours upon request. Visitors can explore the station's historic cells, see the original police equipment, and learn about the fascinating history of this iconic landmark. The station is also home to a small museum that showcases the history of policing in Hamburg.

Prepare For The Centenary Of The Iconic Endurance Race

The 2023 24 Hours of Le Mans: Everything You Need to Know

Prepare for the Centenary of the Iconic Endurance Race

Event Overview

The 24 Hours of Le Mans, a legendary endurance race held in France, will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2023. The event, scheduled for June 10-11, promises to be an unforgettable spectacle for motorsport enthusiasts.

Classes and Competitors

The 2023 24 Hours of Le Mans will feature cars competing in various classes, including LMP1, LMP2, GTE Pro, and GTE Am. Top teams from around the globe, including Cadillac, Porsche, Toyota, Ferrari, and Peugeot, will compete for victory.

Spectator Experience

Attending the 24 Hours of Le Mans is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. With options for camping, grandstand seating, and paddock access, spectators can witness the race up close. The event also offers entertainment, food, and shopping to enhance the weekend.

Tickets and Accommodation

Tickets for the 2023 24 Hours of Le Mans are now available for purchase through the official website. Accommodation near the track can be booked in advance, but it's advisable to secure your reservations early due to the event's popularity.

Transportation and Logistics

The 24 Hours of Le Mans is located approximately 120 kilometers west of Paris. Transportation options include driving, taking a train, or booking a bus tour. Consider arranging your transportation in advance to avoid any delays or inconveniences.

Legacy and Importance

The 24 Hours of Le Mans has a rich history and is considered a pinnacle event in the world of motorsport. The centenary edition in 2023 will undoubtedly be a historic moment, showcasing the evolution of endurance racing and paying tribute to the legend of Le Mans.

Motivation Bullet Journal Quotes

Bullet Journaling Motivational Quotes

A Collection of Inspiring Bullet Journal Quotes

Bullet journaling is a popular and effective way to stay organized and productive. It can also be a great way to motivate yourself to reach your goals. To help you stay inspired, here is a collection of the best motivational quotes for bullet journaling.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

This quote is a reminder that anything is possible if you believe in yourself. When you set goals for yourself, it's important to believe that you can achieve them. This quote can help you to stay motivated and focused on your goals.

"The only limits are the ones we set ourselves." - Unknown

This quote is a reminder that you are capable of anything you set your mind to. Don't let your own doubts or fears hold you back from achieving your goals. Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.

"Don't wait for opportunity. Create it." - George Bernard Shaw

This quote is a reminder that you don't have to wait for someone else to give you permission to pursue your dreams. You have the power to create your own opportunities. Take action and make things happen for yourself.

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela

This quote is a reminder that it's okay to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward. Don't give up on your dreams just because you make a few mistakes along the way.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

This quote is a reminder that your dreams are worth fighting for. No matter what obstacles you face, never give up on your dreams. Keep believing in yourself and your ability to achieve anything you set your mind to.


These are just a few of the many motivational quotes that you can use in your bullet journal. Keep these quotes in mind when you're feeling unmotivated or discouraged. They will help you to stay focused on your goals and motivated to achieve success.

Motivation At Work Quote

Inspiring Quotes to Boost Your Work Ethic

Unleash Your Potential

Whether you're preparing for a crucial presentation, facing a pressing deadline, or striving towards lofty ambitions, find inspiration in these 175 motivational quotes for work. These words of wisdom will ignite your passion, fuel your determination, and guide you towards success.

Productivity Boosters

Need an extra dose of motivation? Our collection of 109 motivational quotes for work is designed to give you the perfect pick-me-up. Allow these inspiring words to uplift you, recharge your batteries, and help you achieve your professional goals.

Find Your Focus

For those seeking to enhance their focus and dedication, explore 107 unique quotes that will motivate you and your colleagues to work diligently and set ambitious goals. These powerful words will empower you to stay on track, overcome challenges, and reach your full potential.

Motivation Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Motivational Quotes and Speeches

Former Governor and Hollywood Star Inspires with His Wisdom

Best Motivational Quotes from Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the legendary bodybuilder, actor, and politician, has captivated audiences with his powerful words of motivation and inspiration. Throughout his illustrious career, he has shared countless memorable quotes that have resonated with people worldwide.

Here are some of Arnold Schwarzenegger's best motivational quotes:

  • "Failure is not an option. Everyone has to succeed."
  • "The only way to do great work is to love what you do."
  • "Don't find excuses, find solutions."
  • "It doesn't matter how many times you get knocked down. The only thing that matters is how many times you get back up."
  • "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

Motivational Speeches by Arnold Schwarzenegger

In addition to his inspiring quotes, Arnold Schwarzenegger has also delivered numerous motivational speeches that have touched the hearts of millions. One of his most famous speeches, entitled "The Six Rules of Success," outlines his principles for achieving greatness in life.

In this speech, Schwarzenegger emphasizes the importance of:

  • Trust in yourself
  • Break the rules
  • Don't be afraid to fail
  • Work your butt off
  • No excuses

Arnold Schwarzenegger's motivational messages continue to inspire and motivate people of all ages and walks of life. His words have the power to uplift, challenge, and empower those who are seeking success and fulfillment.